Show us how you bank with CFB

Customer Appreciation Picnic To-Go


The Citizens First Bank Customer Appreciation Picnic is a special event that we look forward to every year!   The bank started this tradition to demonstrate a deeply held appreciation for our customers.  You make us the great bank that we are.  Every summer, we take time to say Thank You.

The picnic, like the bank, has grown over the years.  The first few picnics were hosted on the bank’s lawn; customers and staff gathered around to enjoy a meal together.  When we outgrew that format, the picnic moved up to Eagle Point Park.  We have hosted many memorable picnics at the park.  Staff and customers can remember some hot years and some rainy years, but always the enjoyment of sharing a meal together for Customer Appreciation.

Last year, with restrictions on indoor gatherings, we organized a drive-thru picnic to go, to adapt.  It was a successful way for us to see as many customers as possible during the event.  This year we plan to host the drive-thru picnic on Wednesday, June 8, beginning at 5pm at the Eagle Point Park Lodge in Clinton, Iowa.  We hope you can join us.

Plan to show us HOW you bank with CFB when you arrive.  That helps our staff stay organized and keep this event special, safe, and our way to show you our appreciation.